Until today, no cure exists for any mosquito-borne disease.
Many of them are lethal causee serious debilitating conditionsor permanent disabilities.
has Science and engineering have generated amazing technological achievements and improved a many others, but mosquito population reduction remains one of the biggest unsolved challenges.
Consider the following statistics.
-Malaria: half the World’s population is at risk. It affects about 250 million people and kills 627.00 annually. This mortality rate is equivalent to four or five 747 Jumbo jets crashing every day!
-Dengue fever: 900 million people get infected and over 40.000 die annually
-Chikungunya: over 229.000 infections, with 41 deaths
-West Nile virus: over 2.000 infections, 6% mortality rate
-Yellow fever: 200.000 cases, 30.000 deaths
-Zika: 31.433 cases, children born with microcephaly with major disabilities, like speech walking issues, brain problems.
-Japanese encephalitis: 30.000 to 50.000 cases, 14.000 - 20.000 deaths
-Lymphatic filariasis: 140 million cases, 1,63 million deaths
All current solutions, can’t even be called semi-solutions .
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